Friday, January 22, 2010

Greetings comrades! Among ourselves, towards each other, we are all familiar and faceless, known and nameless. Thus I feel a duty of sorts is thrust upon us to dispel whatever misty illusions prevent us from revealing our souls to one another in the pursuit of wisdom. Not to say that we should drop all preconceptions and render ourselves completely bare in front of one another...that would be preposterous. But rather, let us use those parts of ourselves which everyone can see to express what we think and feel. Let us use our hands to write and our eyes to see; our mouths to speak and our ears to hear.

All that being said, I suppose it would appear to be fruitlessly hypocritical if I didn't give you a proper introduction of myself (though I would rather have others bother with my introduction...if they're right about me, I don't have to risk arrogance, and if they're wrong, I should have plenty of time to correct unworthy accusations through my own speech and actions). So where should I begin? My name is Jay Robinson, and I am currently a sophomore Film & Digital Media student at Baylor University. I primarily enrolled in Dr. Bowery's Classical Philosophy class to fulfill one of many social sciences required of me here at Baylor. But aside from that unpleasant necessity, I am here because I have always had an interest in thinking. What better way to fuel interest in thinking, besides thinking of course, than learning about how thinkers thought?

A few fun-factual tidbits perhaps? I love music. I can usually find at least one song likable in any genre, although at times it can be difficult, especially when dealing with Country and Rap (note: Top 40 is not a "genre", and as such I reserve the right to not strain myself in attempting to find any likable songs underneath that umbrella). Primarily, however, I am a metalhead to the core. Heavy Metal in all its forms puts a smile on my face and a spring in my black-clothed step. Naturally, I could only listen to metal for so long before I wanted to play it, so around Christmas time of my junior year in high school I bought my first bass guitar. I've been in love with the 4-string weapon ever since.

As a Film & Digital Media major, one might conclude that I love movies. Well, I do. Above all, I'm a Sci-Fi/Fantasy fan, but really, I love anything with a good story and good characters. The Star Wars movies are the greatest movies ever made. Period. Don't try to argue, I will win, and you will go home and watch all six back to back. I also love computer/video games. Play them all the's not anti-social if it's an MMO, okay? And I think that's a wrap! Anything else you want to know will probably be revealed throughout the semester, and it would be dishonest of me to say I'm not looking forward to it.